Speaker Abbas Mourns Victims of Kaduna Bomb Attack


Zakari Isah - Kaduna

...demands investigation to ascertain cause of incident

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Rt. Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, Ph.D has expressed grief over the killing of over 85 persons at Tudun Biri community in Igabi Local Government Area of Kaduna State by a bomb said to have been inadvertently dropped by personnel of the Nigerian Army.

The incident was said to have occurred on Sunday night, when hundreds of residents of the area gathered for the annual Maulud celebration.

In a statement it released on Monday, the Kaduna State Government said the Nigerian Army had claimed responsibility for dropping the bomb, in what it described as "an unfortunate and unintended attack.”

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), on Tuesday, put the figure of those killed by the bomb at 85.

The Speaker, in a press statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Musa Abdullahi Krishi, described the incident as one too many.

Speaker Abbas said he was worried that innocent people who were going about their lawful activities got killed in such circumstances.

The Speaker called for a thorough investigation by the Nigerian Army to ascertain what led to such "a costly mistake."

He said the Nigerian Army should leave no stone unturned to unravel what happened with a view to forestalling a repeat of such an unfortunate incident. 

Speaker Abbas sent his heartfelt condolences to the people and government of Kaduna State, especially the family of those that lost their loved ones in Tudun Biri community.

He prayed Allah to grant them eternal rest and give their families the fortitude to bear the loss.

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