Birthday Wishes To Prof. Bugaje, A True Nationalist

By Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim

Jubilatil qulub ala hubbi man ahsana ilaiha wa bughdi man asa'a ilaiha" (The heart loves those who are kind to her and avoid those who cheat on her) - Hadith

The heart loves who cherishes it and is kind to her, while it avoids those that harm her. The act of being kind to people can solve many problems in our country and the world, and this is the good deeds of Professor Idris Muhammad Bugaje in changing many problems in Nigeria for his empathy, wisdom, and knowledge of solving many problems of Nigerians through skills, innovations and humanity development.

Bugaje's kindness attracts him momentous supporters, and this great day of his birth is the reason for this write-up to unveil his personality.

I yearn for this day for the truth, and scramble for the right words to expose those who want to damage the image of Prof. Bugaje use. His philanthropic attitude and kindness made me to call by the name "Baba". 

This birthday messages will reflect on the good virtues of Prof. Idris M. Bugaje as a role model, a nationalist and a true believer that wants Nigeria to be united for good.

Born on the 7th of March to the Muhammad  Bugaje's family. Professor Idris Muhammad Bugaje's life was a lesson for younger ones, his character is a teacher to humanity and his style of work is a role model for administrators who want to excel on good records and want to serve the people and the country at best. 

It is good to reflect on Bugaje's life, working records, relations with people for others to know much about this life in doing the right things for no fee but for the reward of Allah.

This birthday write-up is a testimony for those that know Bugaje to affirm, those that hear about him to believe, and those that were brained washed to discard the illusion of false on Prof. Bugaje.

The Prof. Idris M. Bugaje I know

Professor Idris Muhammad Bugaje is a man of 'taqwa' and 'zuhudu' and for his beautiful deeds people mistakenly interpret him wrongly for standing in the position of truth.

He is a man of trust, a leader who leads in the light of truth, a person who is kind like rain, a gentle, charismatic and humble creation of Allah that prefer the truth than anything in this world for his 'ikhilas'. 

Professor Bugaje does good for his hereafter to be good more than this perishing world, and that is why he does everything with justice and equity for the sake of Allah.

The Professor Bugaje I know forsake corruption, dream of his better days and for those that know him will say verily Bugaje is Al-Siddiq, while he does things in accordance of the laws. The Professor Bugaje I know considers every person as a brother and treat every individual with respect.

To Bugaje, Christianity and Islam should not be a boundary of our unity and progress. Bugaje gives help to people irrespective of their religion and religious sect as per as the law of the land recognizes them and they are eligible.

For his selfless virtues; Professor Bugaje treats his children equally with others, and at times gives upper hand to others than his own offspring for his empathy. This is a man that fights any person for misconduct and unlawful acts, for he believes only the truth set people's free. 

As Allah, says He helps his righteous servant, as long as his servant helps their fellow brother or sister.” (Sahih Muslim 2699), Professor Bugaje help people who are on the path of justice and truthful.

Professor Bugaje doesn't allow closeness to close his eyes from taking right action against saboteurs. Professor Bugaje hates corruption and detests it with all passion for good service and for the goodness of Nigeria.

I believe that with kind of people like Prof. Bugaje Nigeria will be a good country and a prosperous one with his kind of leadership of unifying the people. Professor Bugaje is a versatile administrator, a person with foresight and a successful achiever of many records of services.

Give Prof. Bugaje a dying agency to lead and he will give it life, uplift it standard, furnish it and all the staff will work according to his dedication. Bugaje is a true administrator and a partner of achieving greater Nigeria for any government of Nigeria that wants good record and development for the country.

Is Prof. Bugaje a shiite? 

This is the man that some people think is a  shiite because he was in a picture with Sheik Ibrahim Zakzaky in 2012 when the Sheik condoled him over the death of his daughter in a Dana Air crash. 

Sheikh Ibrahim Yakubu El-Zakzaky was Bugaje's university mate at Ahmadu Bello University, ABU, and can that be a reason for instigation and insinuation on character damage when the Islamic religion doesn't forbids us to relate with even the non believers? But the 'munafiqun' among the Muslims turn it to a weapon of character assassination on the pious personality of Professor Idris Muhammad Bugaje. 

The Professor Bugaje that some people don't know has same ideology of uniting the Muslim umma like Sheik Ahmad Abubakar Gumi for peace and progress among all the mankind. Bugaje is like Qaribullah Sheikh Nasiru Kabara who believes our differences shouldn't be hindrance for our collective progress and he is like Sheikh Professor Ibrahim Maqari who wants Islamic civilization to be a pacesetter of Muslims' progress. But, visiting a friend either Christian or Muslim is not a sin in any religion.

The same insinuation was labeled on the former governor of Kaduna state when he visited Sheikh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky for 2015 campaign and to condole the Sheik for the loss of his three children who were killed by the Nigerian army during the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan's presidential regime. Nasir Ahmad Elrufai on a radio interview said the rumor was baseless and untrue, also the rumor of Bugaje being a Shiite is baseless, 'shar' and Allah will judge those people that attack Prof. Bugaje with such taunts if they didn't seek for his forgiveness.

We cannot do well when we hate one another and attack on the back just because of our religious differences. The Muslims , the Christians and all the sect of different religions will do well and make Nigeria peaceful if we love one another and unite for Nigeria's progress rather than being divided. No religion teaches us to fight because the Suratul Kafirun had settled our differences.

We do businesses together, work in the same places, attend the same schools together, and why should that be the basic of our problems and misfortune in Nigeria? The criticism on Sheik Dr. Ahmad Gumi's visit to Iran is an evident on how some "munafiqun'' among the Muslims want Nigerians to keep living in parallel line for their gains.

" Zanna" is sinful act and Islam encourages people to always say the truth with concrete facts and shouldn't base arguments on hearsay. Islam forbids assumption and speculation without valid evidence and Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) said, “Iyyakum wazzanna fa'innazzanna akzabul hadith.” (I warn you from assumption because speculation is the greatest sin).

Bugaje's Education

Enrolled in Gobarau Primary School Katsina for first primary school certificate after seven years of birth, proceeded to Govt. Secondary School, Katsina for West African School Certificate (WASC), Bugaje attended the School of Basic Studies,

Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for B.Eng.Hons, Chem Eng and graduated with flying colors, got his M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering from the same Institution and admitted to University of Newcastle -Upon-Type , United Kingdom for his Ph.D. in Energy Engineering.

Professor Bugaje is a lecturer of the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, ABU who raised to many positions in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Institution. For his global recognition and good service, Prof. Bugaje served as the Rector of Federal Polytechnic of Nasarawa, Director General of NARIC, Rector of Kaduna and left indelible inks of good records, now as the Executive Secretary of the National Board for Technical Education, NBTE, Bugaje is rebuilding an outstanding image of the Board.

Bugaje as Director General of NARICT

Bugaje achieved remarkable successes as the Director General of the National Institute for Chemical Technology (NARICT), and part of Professor Bugaje's major achievements in five years include research and development of key areas including domestication of tomatoes paste technology from Vietnam. 

Another achievement in joint research with Ahmadu Bello University, ABU was on the development of Detectors of IED and IED Precursors, using Raman Spectroscopy, to address security challenges in Nigeria. The project was in Prototype I (desktop) successful, patented and in the process of commercialization. Prototype II with long stand off distance jointly with DRDB, Defense Headquarters (Project Fitila).

Professor Bugaje provided the first Bioethanol Pilot Plant in Nigeria designed and built at Kaduna State Ministry of Sci. & Tech., producing fuel-grade ethanol from sugarcane and starch, funded by the KDSG in 2007 while 2 MSc & 1 PhD graduated on it from ABU.

Application of Moringa oleiferain Water Treatment –First Pilot Plant Built in Nigeria and stationed at ABU Water Works in 2010, 1 MSc & 1 PhD graduated on it from ABU.

Major Achievements of Bugaje as Rector, Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa

Prof. Bugaje worked as the Rector of Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa during the time the school was faced with problems of underdevelopment, but things changed in a few months.

The major achievements of Professor Bugaje at the Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa was the introduction of Chemical Engineering program in the first 2 years, as well as the Design and Construction of the First Nigerian Vertical Shaft Lime Kiln of 1 ton/day capacity.

More achievements were recorded in staff training, introduction of new programs and students' expansion.

Major Achievements of Bugaje in Kaduna Polytechnic

Professor Bugaje was purposely appointed as the Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic to stabilize and avert frequent strikes in the school. Bugaje good leadership style served the Institution and put it on the rail of progress.

Part of his major achievement as Rector of Kaduna Polytechnic in 2017 to 2019 was the creation of the Centre for Technology Development (CTD) in November 2017. The Centre was the first of its kind in the TVET Sector in Nigeria, meant to provide equipment fabrication and other technical services to industry.

The CTD is assigned to spearhead the Panteka market upgrade and NSQF Training/Certification Program.

Establishment of Centre for Technological Development for Panteka marketers accessors sponsored by TETFund which is under construction for skills upgrade is a remarkable development for Nigeria's rapid growth.

Bugaje made the dream of the Department of Mass Communication of more than a decade a reality by establishing the first campus radio station for training of the Mass Communication students.

For his love of the unity of Nigeria; Bugaje named a hostel of Kaduna Polytechnic to Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, popular known as M.K.O Abiola. The polytechnic management and the Council deemed it fit to immortalize the June 12th winner of the Nigerian presidential election, and for his contributions to national development that spanned all human ramifications and democratic efforts.

During Bugaje's tenure, more departments were built, new courses were introduced while roads and new construction were made.

Bugaje's record as NBTE's Executive Secretary (ES)

Bugaje did well as the ES of the National Board for Technical Education, NBTE because he assumed the position when the board needed a helping hand.

At a glance, every person can testify that NBTE is answering its name as the Board of all polytechnics and monotechnics of Nigeria.

The Major achievements of Professor Bugaje in NBTE was the establishment of six Zonal Offices of the NBTE as well as the new NBTE Consult Ltd in 2021.

The launching of the Sub-Saharan African Apprenticeship and Stakeholders Network (SASASNET) was a tremendous achievement to explore and identify African skills potential for African growth in technological and scientific development. SASASNET was officially launched by the Vice President of Nigeria, Senator Kashim Shettima in Abuja, July 2023.

Other achievement of Professor Bugaje in NBTE is the changing face of the NBTE Kaduna state headquarters with a good look of aluminum decoration. For skills development; NBTE mandated all Nigerian polytechnics to establish skills development center and establishing the skills innovation center in the NBTE Headquarters is a remarkable achievement in skills drive.

Developed and upgraded the curriculum of polytechnics, monotechnics and skills centers, renovation of the UNESCO Heritage of the NBTE and with creativity, NBTE is becoming a revenue generating Board from the ideas of Professor Bugaje.

Birthday Wishes

As you add a blissful year of age in your life, the prayers of your millions of fans will continue to be with you, and Allah will continue to bless your age, your family and your life from any weapon formed.

Allah will keep lifting you up for more opportunities of driving good ways for Nigeria's progress and development because you are blessed to solve people's problems.

Your mind is clean for every person, as your doors are opened for people, the doors of Allah will surely be opened for you for his comfort to reach you to any place you are. You hold no grudges with anybody, and Allah will keep guiding you through all the way of this world to Jannatul Firdaus.

May Allah keep blessing Nigeria and the good people that work towards a great nation.

Auwal Ahmed Ibrahim, Goronyo writes from Kaduna and can be reached at

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