Kanam Patriotic Youth Forum Dismisses Claims of Merger with Political Group, Reaffirms Commitment to Unity


The Kanam Patriotic Youth Forum (KPYF) has firmly refuted claims of a merger with any political group, specifically addressing rumors linking the organization to the "Inclusive Project." 

In a statement released by the  Publicity Secretary of KPYF Bashir Auta, the Forum called on its members and the public to disregard the alleged merger news, which it described as false and misleading.

According to the KPYF, there has been no formal or informal invitation to merge with any political group in Kanam Local Government Area. The forum has expressed its disapproval of attempts to drag its name into what it called “the mood” of post-election narratives, warning that such moves would not be tolerated. 

The group specifically dismissed the claims that the alleged merger was due to the "fallouts of the APC primary election," labeling these claims as a fabrication aimed at garnering sympathy under false pretenses.

It is well-documented that KPYF had previously endorsed the candidacy of Rt Hon Saleh Shehu Yipmong, a former Deputy Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly, during the Kanam APC chairmanship primaries. Despite their support, Yipmong did not emerge victorious in the intra-party election, which KPYF and party supporters have deemed transparent, free, and fair. The forum clarified that it sees no need to mobilize forces over the supposed "fallout" from the APC primaries.

While distancing itself from the merger rumors, KPYF expressed openness to collaborating with any group dedicated to promoting the unity of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and the people of Kanam.

However, the forum emphasized that any such collaboration should not be linked to the aftermath of the APC Local Council primary elections, as has been suggested by the media team of the Kanam Political Renewal Forum (KPRF).

KPYF also stressed that it has not, and will not, dissolve its structure into a non-existent group. The forum reiterated its commitment to maintaining the unity of the APC at the local, state, and national levels, aligning with its patriotic principles. 

Promoting unity within the party remains a top priority for KPYF, which aims to uphold the values of patriotism and integrity.

The statement concluded by reaffirming the role of Hon Dayyabu Yusuf Garga, the executive chairman of Kanam LGA, as the forum’s patron. The forum praised his youth-centered counsel, which continues to serve as a guiding principle in rallying support for the APC in Kanam LGA.

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