Golden Penny Flour Company Launches New Products Into the Market


Yahaya Muhammad Kaduna 

In an effort to boost foods security in Northern Nigeria, the Nigeria flour Mill, producers of golden penny flour has launched new products of different varieties of foods for consumption to the public.

The Northern Regional Sale Manager of the Golden Penny Flour Company, Mr Isreal Obafemi explained that the company has produced over thirty tones of certified maizes,wheats and guinea corn to be sold out in different part of Northern Nigeria.  


Mr Obafemi said the that the new products which are Masalina, Dawavita, Masaflour and Masavita are already in different stores of the company dealers. 

He also explained th yaat this is first of is kind in the country, and the products is good in making waina, a local delicacy consumed by many in northern Nigeria and other consumable foods. 

Mr Obafemi added that this new package of foods we produced by the company would help in reducing high cost of maizes and wheats experience in the market.

In a remark, some of the dealers at the launching of the products express delight and promise to continue patronizing Golden penny company products. 

Also commenting, a businessman, Alhaji Abdulsalam Abdulrazak explained that he had been in the flour industry for about thirty years and assured golden penny flour company his patronage.    

Yahaya Muhammed

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