KADCHMA To provide Health Insurance Coverage To over Fifteen Thousand Pensioners in Kaduna


Zakari Isah, Kaduna.

The Kaduna State Contributory Health Management Authority (KADCHMA) in collaboration with the State Pension Bureau is making efforts to have health insurance coverage for 16,000 pensioners in the State.

The Director General of KADCHMA, Mallam Abubakar Hassan disclosed this when he received the Executive Secretary of the Kaduna State Pension Bureau, Professor Salamatu Idris Isa, and Executive members of the Nigerian Union Pensioners (Kaduna State Chapter) in his office.

The KADCHMA DG said the action will lift the burden of out-of-pocket health spending from the pensioners in the state.

In his remark, the ES of Kaduna State Pension Bureau, Prof. Salamatu Idris Isa, expressed delight at the development that will allow pensioners to spend their meager pension on other demanding issues because they will enjoy good health coverage.


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