Galaxy Correspondent, Bosan Takes Hearthrob, Amanda As Wife

The Kaduna Bureau chief of Galaxy Television, Mr. Bosan Yakusak has on Saturday, taken his heartthrob, former Miss Amanda Jacob to be his lawfully wedded wife.

The well-celebrated wedding mass/ celebration held at St Dominic’s Catholic Church, Ungwan Pama, and Eli- Amanta event center, Barnawa, respectively, attracted seasoned journalists and media practitioners, politicians and clergies, family members, and wellwishers among others.

The homilist, a priest of the Catholic Diocese of Zaria, Rev. Fr. Felix Yayock, in the celebrated mass, while congratulating the couple for the privilege to be administered with the sacrament of matrimony, which he noted also as a vocation, said” to be a Christian and to have a Christian name is a wonderful thing”

He, however, emphasized the need to have a good name and live out that name to have a good reputation, which he said will eventually speak for one,” the name Bosan means” a Saviour, one who fights for another, and the name Amanda, also means one who is worthy of all,” pointing out that Bosan should be the savior of Amanda and Amanda should be worthy of the love of Amanda,

He however said both can be unworthy if they eventually live unworthy lives in the course of their marriage, especially when the devil creeps in. While urging them to be submissive, faithful, and responsible, prayed and admonished them ” so I have assured them today not to be people of bad reputation; when they have a bad reputation people will refuse to name their children Bosan and Amanda, so it’s our prayer that they will finish well, it’s our prayer that we will be proud of them” he stressed

Similarly, the special Guest of Honour, Kaduna State CAN Chairman, Rev. Joseph Hayab, noted that on the issue of marriage there are no experts or perfection, that even amongst those of those who have put in decades, they still have issues, ” there’s no expert when it comes to marriage, even those who have 30, 40 or 50 years still have errors, but the beauty of it is that you just go on track, with your heart, and with your mind, you will make it”

He said listening to advice is good but they need to make their own decisions as a couple to make their union work adding ” you must learn to love and respect your wife uniquely, you learn to love and respect your husband uniquely and together you will grow and have what people call experience

“I simply wish Bosan and Amanda a wonderful and blissful life, a joyful experience in this journey, what makes others succeed, they will also succeed, or what others fail to succeed they will succeed and their own will be another. school and lesson for others to learn” he assured

Earlier, the Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Hon Samuel Aruwan, called on the newly wedded couple to be patient in marriage as it is the key to a successful married life. Adding that When the wife respects her husband and the husband loves his wife, then their home will be the point of reference for good.

In the same vein, the Chairman of the occasion, Managing Director/CEO Khemsafe Computers, Dr. Dave Oboira, advised the couple to ” love themselves, exercise patience and tolerate themselves and most importantly, communicate effectively”

He prayed that God will bless them, prosper them, increase them, by giving them children and they will live long to see their children and their grandchildren” he added

On his part, Sir Cyril Oparaocha, the sponsor of the marriage, admonished them to be mindful of the institution that they have just entered into, as this is the only institution certificate is issued and they should not digress from what it connotes ” so they should learn to love and cherish one another,” adding that God’s love and love of one another will help them to cherish and value what is imparted on.

In a joyful mood, the groom, Mr. Bosan Yakusak described how it feels and all started ” Amanda has been a friend I have known for a while, we’ll be been friends for about 8 years, and I dated her for about 3 years, so I have known Amanda for over 10 years, she has been someone I have admired from a distance and when I finally made my decision that I want to marry her then I started coming closer to her, I met Amanda in Jos when I went to the University

“The day I proposed to her I let her know that I am not just wanting to get married, I let her know that I needed somebody that will be a friend, somebody that I spend the rest of my life with, somebody that I can cherish, somebody that I wake every morning and see and not be sad, because of her beautiful soul, she has an amazing soul, she’s welcoming, she’s charming and she knows how to cook, all of these criteria come into play

“For us, it’s a celebration of love, we are people of faith and it’s divinely ordained that after all these years we are now wedded”, adding that some qualities of his wife, are that she’s complimentary, an achiever, very detailed and calculative person.

In the same vein, Mrs. Amanda Bosan Yakusak, corroborating all the husband (groom) said, she was endeared to him, because” he’s a very amazing Man, he’s patient, understanding, distinct, kind, we were just friends, we met in Jos, and I was on and off, and I got a job in Kaduna and now by God’s grace, after all, we are married”

On her part, the Chief bridesmaid, Miss Keshia Ngam, said” It’s still dreamlike that my sister Amanda just got married and I feel very excited for her as she starts this new journey and it’s even more beautiful because she’s found her better half someone who matches her energy most lovingly,

” I want her to always put prayers before anything and keep being the understanding and this person she is. She has a pure heart and that will make a marriage be a blessing not just to her but to those around her” She then wished the couple a blessed home.

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