Speaker Plateau State Assembly Assures of Speedy Passage of 2023 Budget

Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Yakubu Jackson Sanda has assured the speedy passage of the Twenty Twenty-Three Appropriation Bill.

Speaker of the State Assembly Yakubu Sanda gave the assurance when the State Governor Simon Lalong Presented and laid the Twenty Twenty Three budget before the State Legislature, during Friday’s plenary.

The Speaker noted that the house would pay careful attention in its scrutiny of the budget in line with Legislative requirements to ensure timely passage and assent.

The Speaker used the occasion to warn Heads of MDAs to be circumspect in handling budget defense of their establishments as the house will not entertain any flimsy excuses from them.

Meanwhile, Governor Simon Lalong has presented a budget proposal of N139.3 billion for the 2023 fiscal year.

Also at plenary the house screened and confirmed the appointment of Aaron Mwelsen Pyelshak as Auditor General of Local Government, this followed the retirement of the former Auditor General in May 2022

Also, three bills were given first reading on the floor of the house. They are Plateau State rural access road agency and State road fund bill 2022 as well as Plateau State investment promotion agency bill 2022 all standing in name of the house majority leader Hon. Naanlong Daniel.

The other bill is the Plateau State gender and equal opportunity commission bill 2022 sponsored by Ibrahim Baba Hassan.

Thursday 24th November 2022, has been fixed for their second reading.

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