As part of efforts to drive the sustainability of reforms beyond the Mallam Nasir Ahmad El-Rufai Administration, the Kaduna State Government with support from Partnership, to Engage, Reforms and Lean (PERL) has conducted  two days Strategy Session with Reforms Sustainability Technical Working Group on how to harmonize reforms being implemented across MDAs from 2015 - 2023 with a view to produce the Kaduna State Compendium of Reforms and Sustain them.

The Director Monitoring and Evaluation, Planning and Budget Commission, Mrs Jummai Bako while declaring open the session in Zaria on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, PBC, Bashir Muhammed, noted that the present administration in 2015  met a state with discouragingly low measures of performance in sectors such as health, education, and other sectors, this was largely due to poor implementation of documented recommendations designed to build a prosperous state.

"The state should not be allowed to return to such harrowing moments. Hence the need to harmonize, document and sustain all these reforms beyond this administration became necessary". 
Mrs Bako urged participants to be dedicated and be committed to the  session, so that the 2015 - 2023  reforms can be documented and sustained as the state is preparing for a transition of power to a new Government and the emphasis is on making sure the next administration will build on the ongoing reforms initiatives to maintain continuity in service delivery for the betterment of people of Kaduna State
"By so doing that we will continue to move Kaduna state ahead of other states in Nigeria".

She added  that  the  state   government, development   partners  and other  stakeholders  have invested  heavily  in  bringing  all the reforms  to   fruition  and "we  cannot   let   them   fail".

In his welcome remarks, PERL-ARC Kaduna Facilitation Manager, Ashiru Sani states that from 2015 to date the present  administration has implemented reforms in Social Development, Governance, Economic Development, Security and Justice and sub-sectors. 

"These reforms have improve the way public sector operates, manufacturing  industries and transforming citizens lives".

The PERL facilitation manger explained in the context of Governance in Nigeria, Kaduna State leads in terms of transiting from reforms to impact and the reason why PERL supported this intervention was to ensured that the governance structure the new administration will put in place when it assumes office in 2023 will be able to access document from the reforms implemented and targeted technical assistance provided by PERL-ARC and other Development Partners in kaduna state.

He further stressed that the overall objective of establishing the reforms  sustainability Committee is to promote reforms sustainability both at the state and the local government levels and to ensure documented reforms recommendation are properly implemented. 

He added that RSC became necessary in other to communicate progress of the implementation to the Executive councils and other relevant stakeholders as well as to communicate challenges encountered in implementing the reforms to the transition committee.

The Director State Planning, Badamasi Musa in his presentation explained the rationale for constituting  the Reforms Sustainability Committee, he said the RSC will serve as a mechanic to be put in place to maintain the admirable change that have earned Kaduna State above other sub - national as a model state for the rest of the nation to emulate beyond the tenure of the current administration. 

DSP noted the RSC will further improve the structures and procedures necessary for the progression of reforms initiatives.
He stressed that the inclusion of lessons learns, challenges, recommendations and impact of the reforms in their reports would go a long way in the sustainability of these reforms beyond 2023.

The session witness presentations from the members of  the RSTWG on the various reforms being implemented in their respective MDAs.

Presents at the session were members of the RSTWG  who were drawn from strategy MDAs of the state and representative of Partnership, to Engage, Reforms and Lean (PERL).

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