President Buhari To Assess Navy’s Preparedness To Meet Statutory Obligations In Maritime


Elisha Digason, Kaduna

The Nigerian Navy (NN) says it has provided an avenue for the President to assess the navy’s preparedness to meet statutory obligations in maritime security, safety and defence within a global/regional collaborative approach.

The Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Awwal Zubairu Gambo stated this in a Press Conference in Abuja on Wednesday 10 May, 2023 explained that the assessment would begin during the Presidential Fleet Review, PFR 2023 which would hold on Friday 19th to 22nd of May 2023 in Lagos State. 

CNS who was represented by the Chief of Policy and Plans, Naval Headquarters Abuja, Rear Admiral Suleiman Garba, the Naval Chief said that the theme of the PFR-2023 is ‘Fleet Readiness for National Prosperity.’

According to him, this theme was carefully chosen to underscore the essence and value of the NN, as a responsive naval force poised towards the attainment of national prosperity.

The Naval Chief noted that PFRs are traditional events, which navies across the world conduct in order to honour their sovereigns or heads of government.

“It involves the assemblage of ships and other maritime assets at a designated area for the purpose of demonstrating loyalty and allegiance to the State.”

According to him, during a PFR, the President/head of state is invited to review the fleet in commemoration of a historical event, celebration of an important anniversary or any other activity deemed necessary.

He highlighted some of the occasions to organise a fleet review including special landmarks of either the navy or the country.

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