NURTW Tasks Federal Government Over Pump Price Review... charges passengers to board vehicle inside garage


Yahaya Muhammed, Kaduna 

The National Union of Road Transport Workers, (NURTW) Kaduna Branch, has appealed to the federal government to readjust the pump price of PMS known as petrol to reduce the high cost of transportation faced by Nigerians.

The State NURTW Chairman,  Alhaji Aliyu Tanimu Zaria made the plea in an interview with journalists at his office in Kaduna.

Aliyu Tanimu Zaria explained that the high cost of petrol has greatly affected and led to low passengers in the transportation sector. 

He called on Kaduna state governor Malam Uba  Sani to enter into an agreement with the federal government on the deplorable condition of Nnamdi Azikiwe Road for immediate rehabilitation and reconstruction to reduce the hardship faced by the people plying the road.

The Kaduna state NURTW boss maintained that if the road is repaired and the fuel prices are reduced, it will improve the economy of the nation.


Aliyu Tanimu also charged passengers to always board vehicles inside the garage, while traveling for safety in case of missing luggage or valuables, or road mishaps.

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