Banks, Philanthropists Urged To Emulate Gara Gombe …..As Director, Gombe Sports Commission, Mrs Adamu Thumbs Up Athletics Championship Organiser

Director, Gombe Sports Commission, Mrs Zainab Adamu

Following the successful organization of the first Inter-Primary Schools Athletics Championship in Gonbe, the State’s Sports Commission director Mrs. Zainab Adamu has poured encomiums on the State’s AthIetics Association’s Chairman, Hon. Ahmed Shuaibu Gara.

Speaking during an interview with Newsmen, Mrs Zainab exclaimed that She has never witnessed the gathering of so many School Children for athletics championships such as this in Gombe State.

As a director of sports Commission in Gombe, I am overwhelmed with joy that  One individual can pull-off such feat and make it happen here without one kobo from Government.

She assured that Government would assist the little it could to further this Championship very soon.

Mrs. Zainab insisted that it’s true that Government cannot fund sports alone without the assistance from the private sector such what Hon. Ahmed Gara is doing in athletics.

“I want to use this opportunity to thank his Excellency, Gombe State Governor Inuwa Mohammed for making Hon. Gara available to the state. Therefore, I am calling on all stakeholders in Sports, Businesses, Banks and philanthropists to assist to grow sports in Gombe like Hon. Gara have demonstrated”,  She said.

The former Volleyball player, believe that with the Caliber of Hon. Ahmed Gara  around, Gombe State will rise again in Sports, especially in AthIetics.

She however regretted that of all the Sports Association Chairmen appointed to head various sports Associations in the State, only Gara Gombe has raised the bar with this Athletics Championships. “We are very proud him”

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