Rahma Memorial School, Rigasa Graduates Hundreds Learners...With Calls On Parents To Support Education Of Their Children

Yahaya Muhammed

Parents have been urged to leave to their responsibilities through prompt payment of their children school fees as at when due. 

The Director of Rahma Memorial  School, Naira  Road Rigasa, Mal Mustapha Adam Muhammed made the plea at the graduation ceremony of the school in Rigasa Kaduna. 

Malam Mustapha Adam explained that the institution run two sections which Include Islamic and western education. 

He appealed to parents to ensure their children attend school regularly with their learning materials. 

"I want to appeal to our dear parents to always give priority to the education of the wards, for a sustainable bright future of their children".

"I equally, want to call on fathers and mothers to pay school fees on time to foster stability and ceaseless classes as well as create conducive learning environment among the teachers 

In their separate remarks both the Headmistress and Headmaster of the school urged the parents of the pupils not to relent in giving their children quality Islamic and western education that will improve there lives and live as responsible people. 

They also appealed to Kaduna state government to review the tax system imposed on private schools operators in the state for more affordable education. 

Some of the parents interviewed expressed delight with the quality of education their children are receiving in the school, while the parents for the graduating pupils thanked almighty Allah for seeing their wards on right track to accomplish their dreams.

"We are delighted to see this day, and thanked God for seeing the graduation of our children successfully, we appreciate the school and the dedication by the teachers may Allah reward their efforts".

The teachers have also been appreciated by the children's parents and thanked them for their sacrificies and support to the wards. 

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