Gombe State Celebrates About Three Decade Of Remarkable Development...As It Marks State Anniversary And Nigeria's 63rd Independence In Style



Gombe State Executive Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya, (CON) has called for renewed hope and commitment to the progress and prosperity of the nation.

The Governor made the call on the occasion of 63rd Nigeria's Independence and the State 27th year Anniversary celebration held on Sunday, October 1st, 2023.

Governor Inuwa who described the celebrations as an opportunity to pay special tribute to "our leaders and citizens, especially members of the armed forces, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in defence of the fatherland", assured that their sacrifices are truly appreciated, "as captured eloquently in our national anthem, ‘the labour of our heroes past, shall never be in vain".

He called for collective efforts to address the pressing issues that affect the people across all facets of development. "Let us empower our communities and harness the creative energies of our people in order to build a united, prosperous and all-inclusive Nigeria".

Illustrating the past twenty-seven years, Gombe state remarkable transformation and development, the Governor said the state has made significant strides in education, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, job creation, civil service reforms, water resources, environment and sanitation.

"For us in Gombe State, this occasion presents a cause for double celebration as we commemorate the 27th anniversary of the creation of our dear State. Over the past twenty-seven years, our state has undergone remarkable transformation and development".

Similarly, His Excellency Governor Inuwa, added that "October 1st is a day to remember and honour the struggles and sacrifices of our founding fathers who fought tirelessly for the freedom, unity and sovereignty of our great nation".

"Sixty-three years ago, Nigeria emerged from the shadow of British colonial rule, heralding a new era of self-determination and hope. Since then, we overcome many challenges, embraced countless opportunities, and achieved remarkable progress across various fields of human endeavour", he noted. 

Below is the full address by His Excellency Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya on the occasion of Nigeria's 63rd Independence and the 27th Anniversary of the creation of Gombe State:


 It is with gratitude to Almighty Allah that I address you today as we celebrate two important anniversaries: Nigeria's 63rd independence anniversary, as well as the 27th anniversary of the creation of Gombe State. 

2.October 1st is a day to remember and honour the struggles and sacrifices of our founding fathers who fought tirelessly for the freedom, unity and sovereignty of our great nation. Bounded by the spirit of common destiny and shared purpose, they carry the torch of freedom to every nook and cranny of our country.

3. Sixty-three years ago, Nigeria emerged from the shadow of British colonial rule, heralding a new era of self-determination and hope. Since then, we overcome many challenges, embraced countless opportunities, and achieved remarkable progress across various fields of human endeavour. 

4. For us in Gombe State, this occasion presents a cause for double celebration as we commemorate the 27th anniversary of the creation of our dear State. Over the past twenty-seven years, our state has undergone remarkable transformation and development. We have made significant strides in education, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, job creation, civil service reforms, water resources, environment and sanitation. 

5.  Some of our achievements so far include:

• Construction of over 700km of roads across 11 LGAs under the Network 11-100 project.

• Completion of the abandoned Gombe Mega Motor Park project.

• Construction and renovation of over 1400 classrooms in various schools across 350 schools in the state.

• Upgrading of 5 Legacy Secondary Schools to Mega Schools that are capable of accommodating up to 15000 students with special facilities, and the construction of 4 special schools.

• Mopped up of over 350,000 out-of-school children through BESDA

• Recruitment of 1000 teachers through the Teachers’ Service Commission to address the human resource gap in the education sector.

• Provision of 1 fully functional PHC in each of the 114 wards across the state

• The establishment of Hospitals Services Management Board to improve service delivery in our hospitals.

• Upgrade of the State Specialist Hospital Gombe, and the General Hospitals in Kaltungo and Bajoga.

• Construction of a brand new 200-bed capacity General Hospital in Kumo.

• Construction of brand new 600-student capacity College of Nursing and Midwifery.

• Provision of affordable health coverage to over 100,000 residents of the State, including over 40,000 poor and vulnerable under the Go-Health scheme

• Expansion and rehabilitation of the Gombe Regional Water Supply Scheme

• Building/rehabilitation of about 601 boreholes across the State mostly in rural areas.

• State-wide reforestation campaign through the Gombe Goes Green (3G) project that is targeted at planting 4 million trees to combat deforestation and soil erosion.

• Timely distribution of subsidized fertiliser and assorted seedlings to farmers

• Rehabilitation of the 7.5km monstrous gully traversing GSU to Mallam-Inna.

• The ongoing construction of the Muhammadu Buhari Industrial Park (Phase 1) in order to harness our huge economic potentials.

• The establishment of Gombe State Geographic Information System (GOGIS) to reform land administration in the state.

• Establishment of the Bureau of Public Service Reforms to improve productivity and performance in the civil service.

• Payment of over N7.9 billion in inherited pensions and gratuities liabilities.

• Youth empowerment programs under the At-Risk Children Project (ARC-P): these include the Gombe State, Security, Traffic, Environmental Corps (GOSTEC); KEKE rider’s scheme, grants to MSMEs and artisans across the state.

• And many other policies, programs and projects that impact directly on the lives of our people.

6.    This progress would not have been possible without the support, dedication and commitment of our people. I would like to express my gratitude to our people for their unwavering support and cooperation. We shall continue to invest in education, healthcare, durable infrastructure and job creation in order to empower our youth, connect our communities, and improve the well-being of our people.

7. As we look back on our journey as a State, let us also look forward to the future with optimism and determination. Our State is known for its rich cultural diversity, abundant natural resources, and resilient people. Our administration is committed to unlocking our immense potentials in order to create a better future for our people. 

8. This anniversary is coming at a time our people are grappling with the effects of fuel subsidy removal, represented by rising inflation and economic hardship. Our administration is already providing palliative assistance under our food distribution program which targets 400,000 beneficiaries. We have also approved 10,000-naira transport allowance to all workers in the state pending the determination of new minimum wage. Equally, we are working on investing in CNG vehicles in order to ease the transportation burden on our people.

9.  Therefore, let us work together to address the pressing issues that affect our people across all facets of development. Let us empower our communities and harness the creative energies of our people in order to build a united, prosperous and all-inclusive Nigeria.

10.   Let me use this opportunity to pay special tribute to our leaders and citizens, especially members of the armed forces, who paid the ultimate sacrifice in defence of the fatherland. I would like to assure you that their sacrifices are truly appreciated. As captured eloquently in our national anthem, ‘the labour of our heroes past, shall never be in vain.”

11.  On a final note, I would like to thank our traditional rulers, religious leaders, security agencies, civil society groups, and the general public for their role in upholding the unity, peace and stability of Gombe State and Nigeria at large. Together, we can overcome our challenges and build a brighter future for our state and our nation.

12. As we celebrate these anniversaries, let us pray for peace and stability in our country, and let us march with renewed hope and commitment to the progress and prosperity of our great nation and state. Thank you for listening, and God bless you all.

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria! Happy 27th Anniversary, Gombe State!

God Bless Gombe State!

God Bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

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