Project Smile for Humanity Foundation sensitises Adolescent Boys, Girls On SGBV

As part of measures to help young people identify Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV), in other for them to prevent it from happening, an NGO, Project Smile for Humanity Foundation, recently sensitised adolescent boys and girls in Kaduna State.

The 30, young persons between the ages of 13 and 19yrs, were selected from three communities of Ungwan Boro, Ungwan Pama and Janruwa in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

The objective of the sensitisation according to the organizers was to educate them on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and SGBV prevention.

Speaking at the event, Chief Nutrition Officer on adolescent girls Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria (ANRiN) project, Kaduna State, Aishatu Kada, noted that every woman and girl needs to live in a world free from gender based violence and the change begin with each and every one of us to enable the girl child live a life of dignity.

She said there's need for the young people who are usually victims of all kinds of gender based violence to join government's efforts at eradicating the menace in the society.

According to her, some of the things the state government is doing to eradicate the practice includes; making legislation to give legal actions against the perpetrators.

"Creating awareness and educating communities, ensuring victims get adequate support and also engaging local community head, churches and mosque in fishing out perpetrators when they commit the crime.

"We organise comprehensive education and engagements of young people in the state to know the red lights when someone tries to do something wrong to them."

On her part, another resource person, Dr. Bilikisu Yusuf, emphasized the need for adolescents to build cultural relationship with other people in order to tolerate and respect their beliefs and culture and not seeing their culture as been superior.

Comfort Ojo, Founder of the Foundation in her remarks, encouraged the participants not to keep silence whenever they suspect or see any act of SGBV around them.

She charged them to continue to be advocates in their communities and also share the knowledge they have been impacted with to other adolescents in their sphere of influence.

Credit:Newsweb Express

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