As A Mark Of Respect For lives Lost At Tudun Biri, SWAN-Ministry Of Sports Suspends Novelty Match In Honour of SWAN President And The Commissioner



As way of paying their tributes, respect and to commiserate with the Kaduna State the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, (SWAN) and the state Ministry of Sports Development have decided to postpone the much anticipated novelty  football match scheduled Thursday 7th December 2023.

A statement signed by the Secretary Kaduna SWAN, Okpani Jacob Onjewu Dickson, made available on December 7, 2023, revealed that the postponement was conveyed at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium, Kaduna after the players of both teams were kitted and ready for the kick off.

Addressing the players and spectators at the stadium, Kaduna State Commissioner of Sports Development, Professor Ben Gugong explained that the decision was taken in honour of those who lost their lives in the tragic mistaken bomb incident at Tudun Biri Community, Igabi Local Government Area of the state, resulting to loss of lives and injuries.

He used the opportunity to commiserate the governor, Senator Uba Sani and the families of deceased and injured.

Also speaking, SWAN President, Isaiah Benjamin  explained that the decision to postpone the match was the best.

He said the victims of the tragic incident deserve to be honoured by all.

In his remarks, SWAN Kaduna Chairman, Shehu Abdullahi commended all for the turn out.

He said that a new date will be announced for the match, in collaboration with the sports ministry.

One minute silence was held in respect of the victims who died from the incident.

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