Kaduna State Deputy Governor Appreciates Women Models And Mentors Foundation For Recognising Women’s Contribution To Society



Kaduna State Government has expressed recognition of the pivotal role women play in the social, economic, and cultural fabric of the society, and assured of fostering an environment where their talents and contributions are not only acknowledged but also celebrated.

The State Deputy Governor, Dr Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe remarked at an annual Women Conference Organised by Women Models and Mentors Foundation which was held at Sir Ahmadu Bello Sardauna Memorial Foundation Hall, Race Course Road, Kaduna, On 30th November, 2023.

Dr Sabuwa noted that acknowledging and celebrating the achievements of women who have broken barriers, and shattered ceilings, paved the way for others to follow.

“As we come together to honor some exceptional women today, let us also reflect on the progress we have made as women and the work that still lies ahead. By providing mentorship, support, and opportunities, we can create a ripple effect that transcends generations, ensuring that every woman and girl in Kaduna State has a chance to reach her full potential”.

Dr. Sabuwa said each time a woman breaks the glass ceiling, it is usually the result of great effort, therefore, she should be recognized and celebrated.

The Deputy Governor further laments over the gap in diversity confronting womenfolk with disturbing statistics from the World Bank, which estimates that ”the female population of Nigeria was 50.6% in 2022.

“But as of 2021, only seven out of 109 senators and 22 of the 360 members of the House of Representatives were women. As of 2023, only 21 women are serving in the National Assembly, representing 4.47% of the National Assembly membership. Of the 36 states and the FCT, only 7 women (18.9%) are Deputy Governors”.

According to her, “The private sector is not any better. A study by the PWR Advisory, a leadership, diversity, and inclusion advisory and advocacy firm, reported that 56 seats (23.4 percent) out of 239 board seats available in the top 20 companies by market capitalization were held by women, as against 76.6% held by men in 2021”.

Dr Hadiza Sabuwa described as apt, the theme of the conference, “it was precisely in recognition of the hard work and resourcefulness of women. Therefore, the theme of this conference, ‘Curbing the Rising Tide in Social Vices: The Special Role of Women,’ is a reflection of the collective strength and determination of women in Nigeria and is therefore apt for the situation we find ourselves in today.

“Women have been incredible in keeping many homes running today, as they have been since time immemorial”.

“The theme’s reference to, ‘The Special Role of Women,’ highlights the unique position women hold in the ongoing struggle against social vices. We, as women, bring a distinct perspective, resilience, and compassion to the table. Our roles as nurturers, educators, and community builders position us as pivotal agents of change in the face of adversity. Our ability to foster empathy, create networks of support, and instill values within our families and communities equips us with a powerful toolset to address the root causes of social vices”.

She then congratulated the awardees and appreciated the conference convener, Hajiya Bilkisu Abba Ibrahim, founder of the Women Models & Mentors Foundation for organizing this special award.

“I also commend every woman being recognized today. Your achievements are not just personal triumphs; they are beacons of hope and inspiration for the countless others whose efforts are not being recognized by society”.

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