MWAN Kaduna Heralds PRE-BGM & Scientific Conference 2023 With Road Walk, Fitness Exercise


Kaduna State Deputy Governor,
Dr. Hadiza S. Balarabe In Blue,
During MWAN Kaduna Road-walk


Ahead of the Pre-Biennial General Meeting and Scientific Conference of the Medical Women Association of Nigeria, (MWAN) Kaduna State Branch, the association has staged a road-walk campaign as part of its resolve to emphasize the importance of exercise and what it means to the general status of the society.

MWAN road-walk was led by its, Dr Zainab Muhammed Idris and the Kaduna State Deputy Governor, Dr Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe, started its long walk from the Ministry of Health, Kaduna passing through Kaduna Police Command, Headquarters's gate by Bida Road, linking through to Yakubu Gowon Way and back to the ministry on Independence Way.

Dr Zainab Idris described it as exciting to have the state deputy governor, Dr. Hadiza Sabuwa Balarabe who is one of their member in their midst and took part in the walk.

"It is so exciting that someone of her status and calibre,  making a significant contribution to the association and its activities. "we are very proud of her and will continue to look up to her to give us support."

She said that the Road Walk was to keep members fit and enhance the performance of their duties.

Dr Idris explained the objective of the road walk exercise, “The essence of the Walk is to ensure that the medical women are physically fit to carry on with their constitutional responsibilities.”

"We staged the walk because we want to emphasize the importance of exercise and what it means to the general status of society and especially to we as medical women we must make time to relax, take time to look out for our health, and pass a message that exercise is a road to good health and if we can imbibe that practice and that culture we stance a better chance of living a longer, functional and productive lives."

"So, that's the essence for us to meet with each other and socialize and at the same time call the attention of the public on the significance and importance of exercise", Dr. Zainab Idris explained.

According to the medical doctor, by next week they will be handing over to the new executive that's why the walk was a PRE-BGM, "every two years we have a change of guards, where we bring in new leadership to lead us in the association".

She averred that during their tenure they have done so much in terms of giving out to the society, in terms of engaging with the different sets of stakeholder groups, and in health and policy development of Kaduna State. 

"We are at the twilight of handing over to a new executive going to be led by Dr Aisha Mustapha who happens to be the President-elect, and expect that she's going to build on what we have already established and continue to get stronger as Medical Women Association of Kaduna State."

Speaking in the same vein, Dr. Lasisi Ma'arufat, MWAN's Secretary in Kaduna State said it is exhilarating, and a beautiful experience because the walk promotes not only their physical health but even their mental health. 

"Is one of the exercises staged to commemorate the MWAN Kaduna State branch, for our 9th biennial BGM."

“So, we thought it wise to do the walk which is a form of exercise to enhance physical fitness and healthy well-being.”

Dr. Ma'arufat added "When we do exercise we move all parts of the body and it helps increase oxygen supply to the brain and other parts of the body and opens up the small blood vessels, so it protects us from so many diseases like heart attack, hypertension, diabetics and also help our mental health. It makes you lighter and keeps you away from mental health illnesses like depression and anxiety. 

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