AYCF Congratulates INEC On Supreme Court Judgments


Professor Mahmoud Yakubu,
INEC Chairman 

The Arewa Youth Consultative Forum (AYCF) has congratulated the leadership of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) following the recent judgments of the Supreme Court on governorship election disputes. 

The AYCF views these judgments as a clear vindication of the meticulous steps taken by the INEC leadership in ensuring free, fair, and transparent elections.

AYCF President General, Yerima Shettima acknowledged the exceptional planning implemented by INEC Chairman Professor Mahmoud Yakubu during the elections. 

Shettima expressed his sincere appreciation for the unwavering dedication and commitment demonstrated by the INEC Chairman, which he believes fully deserves commendation and recognition both nationally and internationally.

The forum recognizes the importance of credible elections in ensuring good governance and socio-economic development. Therefore, the AYCF's endorsement of the judgments handed down by the Supreme Court aims to emphasize the significance of INEC's efforts in upholding the democratic process.

 "The meticulous planning carried out by the INEC leadership, led by Professor Mahmoud Yakubu, has played a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of our democratic system. We must commend and appreciate their commitment to organizing transparent and credible elections," Shettima stated.

Shettima further added, "We believe that the Supreme Court's judgments are an affirmation of the INEC's unwavering commitment to ensuring electoral justice. It is imperative that we acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of INEC as they contribute to the strengthening of our democracy."

The AYCF wishes to express sincere gratitude to the INEC Chairman, Professor Mahmoud Yakubu, and his team for their tireless efforts in organizing successful elections across the country. The meticulous planning, impartiality, and dedication demonstrated by the INEC in conducting these elections have bolstered public trust in the electoral process.

The AYCF urges all stakeholders, including political parties, civil society organizations, and the general public, to rally behind INEC in its continued efforts to enhance the credibility and integrity of the electoral process. Together, we can build a democratic society that ensures the will of the people is respected and that our nation continues to progress.

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