Former Super Eagles Player Rates Nigeria Premier League Standard of Play Very Low - News Panorama

By, Vincent Akinbami

Former Super Eagles striker, Akin Akinsheinde has rated the standard of play among the Nigeria Premier Football League very low after watching Niger Tornadoes  and Heartland FC week 17 league match at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna

The former International who made the remarks shortly after the league game in Kaduna, said "The standard is not too good for premier league sides, the standard of play should be better than what we have just watched, the two teams need to go back to the drawing board."

The former Kano Pillars and Al Ahly of Egypt striker also said that it is part of the reasons we do not do well in the continent.               

According to him part of the problems has to do with politics that has been brought into football."When  I played for Kano Pillars FC, the number of players from Kano was insignificant,we were picked based on our performance, now clubs will first pick 80% of indigene before looking out for  the quality ones from other state, so politics has been brought  into football, Akinsheinde states that politics should be played out side the pitch.

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