Sardaunan Ikulu Land Eulogize His People For Sustainable Peace In The Area...Lauds Them For Holding Dearly On To The Cultural Heritage Of their forefathers - News Panorama


A traditional title holder in Ikulu land in  Zangon Kataf local government area of Kaduna state, Alhaji Isma'ila Yusuf Ashafa has charged people of Ikulu especially youth to always engage in productive activities in order to develop the state and country.

He said for many decades, Ikulu people have been known for engaging in traditional handcraft businesses such as blacksmithing, cobbling, traditional barbing, leather work, hunting, and farming among others as their source of income.

He, therefore, explained that despite the influence of Western education those businesses are still relevant in the area 

Alhaji Isma'ila Yusuf Ashafa who is the Sardaunan Ikulu maintained that the people of Ikulu hold dear their traditional cultural heritage as they still practice as the way their forefathers observed it. 

"This is because it's their way of life and has a lot of blessings and benefits to the community."

According to the Sardauna, the Ikulu people have realized based on the increasing population the importance of maintaining traditional businesses and adopting modern ways to meet the current global advancement changes.

The son of the soil of Ikulu believed that based on the early orientation of the people in being self-reliance, the Ikulu community will continue to remain unrelenting and committed to following the legal ways of earning a livelihood, he emphasized

Narrating the secret behind the peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding in Ikulu land, Alhaji Isma'ila Ashafa described the development as the number one priority of every Ikulu son and daughter to always see themselves as one family and ensure a united Ikulu nation.

He said it is the tradition of Ikulu to respect religious differences and provide a level ground for Muslims and Christians to exercise their religious right without any fear resulting in unprecedented progress in the area.

Alhaji Isma'ila Yusuf Ashafa who is also a philanthropist has acknowledged the quality leadership style of Agwom Ikulu, Mr. Yohanna Sidi Kuka for making his domain a hospitable place.

Commenting on the effort of traditional title holders, religious leaders, politicians, business associates, youth groups, farmers, and the general public, the Sardaunan of Ikulu said each and everyone is putting their best in projecting the good image of Ikulu land, which he added that, that attracted many people from far and near to come and stay in Ikulu land.

The renowned philanthropist further said, the track record of Ikulu people in the area of peace, unity, mutual understanding, and productive citizenship as well as influencing government to carry the people of Ikulu along in policy and decision making.

The Sardauna promised that with the support of the government, Ikulu traditional institute, religious leaders, youth, and other stakeholders, peace, unity, and progress have come to stay in Ikulu land.

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