Niger Shari'ah commission inaugurates Minna Emirate Hisbah unit


By Abubakar Hassan

The Hisbah unit of Niger state Shari'ah commission has inaugurated the uniform members of the Minna Emirate Hisbah unit.

The executive secretary of the commission, Rufa'i Hashim who stood in for the Grand Khadi of the state, Musa Muhammad Kigara, during the inauguration ceremony at Justice Legbo Kutigi International Conference Centre, Minna said the Hisbah unit had been in exists since the regime of Late Engr. Abdulkadir Ƙure but was neglected by the successive administrations.

He disclosed that there were Hisbah unit across all the eight Emirates councils in the state which were taken care of by the Emirate councils, adding that the event was to revive the unit to be visible and more effective.

The executive secretary of the commission observed that the moral decadence amongst the youths in the state was getting out of hand, stressing the need to strengthen the unit to function effectively and assist in correcting the menace in our society.

He further disclosed that the law establishing the commission and the Hisbah unit is still in existence, saying with the support of the state government and other relevant stakeholders the unit will measure up its counterparts in Kano, Zamfara, Katsina and Sokoto.

He added that the Hisbah is currently operating in five local government areas of the Emirate to sanitize our communities, namely; Chanchaga, Bosso, Paikoro, Munya and Shiroro, saying it is the hope of the commission to see the Hisbah unit stands on its feet and measure up with those in other states.

The state Hisbah Commander General, Aliyu Usman Sarki disclosed the Hisbah unit had done well during the time of Late Engr. Abdulkadir Ƙure where they recorded alot of achievements

He said the Hisbah unit serves as police to the state liquor board and also preach during collection of Zakkat, adding that the unit also ensures that the measuring materials in our markets are accurate.

The Commander General added that the state Shari'ah commission has only two units, the Hisbah and the Da'awa units, disclosing that their officers were well trained by the law enforcement agents in the state to carry out their functions.

He maintained that the Hisbah is not police force nor any of the security agency, but a unit under the Shari'ah commission which collaborate with the law enforcement agencies to sanitize and bring peace in our communities.

In their separate goodwill messages, the Cikasoron Minna, Alhaji Yahaya Babangida and Amb. Jibrin Abdullahi observed that moral decadence is on the rise in the state, particularly in Minna Emirate and urged members of the Hisbah organization to work without fear or favour.

They equally observed that Hisbah is owned by the government and called on the state government to accord it all the necessary support to effectively discharge their duties, adding that the Hisbah unit has a very important role to play in sanitizing of the immorality that is in the play.

Highlights of the occasion was the decoration of the advisory board members of the organization and some of the officials.

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