COMMUNAL CLASH IN MIKANG: APC Condemns Violence, Calls for Peace - News Panorama

Zakari Haruna - Kaduna

The All Progressives Congress (APC) Plateau State Chapter has issued a strong condemnation following reports of communal skirmishes between communities in Langtang-North and Mikang Local Government Areas of Plateau State.

In a press release from Kalwa House, Yakubu Gowon Way, Jos, the Party expressed deep dismay over the escalation of violence among communities that have coexisted for decades.

The Party lamented the loss of lives and property resulting from the clashes, emphasizing that such conflicts could have been avoided through dialogue and peaceful resolution.

Highlighting the historical harmony between the affected areas, the APC decried the current state of animosity, deeming it both regrettable and retrogressive.

The Party emphasized the importance of seeking amicable solutions to disputes rather than resorting to violence or self-help, urging the conflicting parties to prioritize dialogue and reconciliation.

APC extended appreciation to the security agencies and traditional rulers for their swift response to the crisis and expressed optimism that concerted efforts would prevent future occurrences.

In a gesture of empathy, the Party extended heartfelt condolences to the affected families, offering solace to those who suffered losses during the unfortunate events.


Hon. Nimzing Pyennap

Asst. Publicity Secretary

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