Kaduna's Educational Boost: 25% Allocated in 2024 Budget


By Abdullahi Alhassan, Kaduna

In a significant move, Honourable Mahmud LawaI Isma'ila, representing Zaria City Constituency and Chair of the Kaduna state House of Assembly Committee on Education, announced a noteworthy allocation of 25% from the 2024 Appropriation Budget to the Education Sector.

The announcement came during the commissioning of three state-of-the-art classrooms at the Staff School, built by the National Open University in Kaduna. 

LawaI stressed the government's unwavering commitment to prioritizing education, recognizing it as the foundation of meaningful development.

Highlighting the governor's initiatives upon assuming office, LawaI emphasized reductions in school fees, the construction of additional classrooms, and the establishment of new educational facilities across the state. He underscored the governor's profound belief in the pivotal role of education.

In his address, LawaI urged collective responsibility, stating that education is everyone's duty. He called on individuals and organizations to emulate the government's commitment by actively supporting the construction of more schools across the state.

Vice Chancellor Olufemi Peters, represented by Professor Isaac Sammani Butswat, justified the need for additional classrooms at the Staff School's Primary Section to create a conducive learning environment.

 He expressed hope that the newly commissioned classrooms would serve the educational needs of children and neighboring communities.

Dr. Aminu Umar, Director of the Center for Human Resources Development (CHRD), highlighted the remarkable feat of commissioning three classrooms at the Staff School, entirely funded by the National Open University without any contribution from the Kaduna state government or individuals. 

Dr. Umar emphasized the focus on teaching science-based subjects and modern technologies to keep pupils up-to-date.

Amidst the celebratory tone of the event, Dr. Umar took a moment to extend condolences to the Kaduna state government for the tragic abduction of primary school pupils in Kuriga. 

He condemned the deliberate effort to impede education in Northern Nigeria and called on security agencies to intensify efforts for the safe return of the abducted children.

The commissioning of the project served as a poignant highlight of the day, symbolizing Kaduna's commitment to advancing education despite the challenges faced.

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