"Senate Turmoil: NCM Chief Demands Akpabio's Resignation Amid Budget Scandal"

In the wake of the 2024 Budget Padding scandal that has reverberated through the Nigerian Senate, the President of the Northern Consensus Movement (NCM), Dr. Awwalu Abdullahi Aliyu, has called for the resignation of the Senate President, Senator Godswill Akpabio.
Speaking to journalists in a press conference held in Kaduna, Dr. Aliyu emphasized the gravity of the situation. 

He asserted that the Senate President's continued leadership is untenable, given his perceived inability to effectively address the controversial accusations of Budget Padding leveled by Senator Abdul Ningi, representing Bauchi Central.

Dr. Aliyu proposed the establishment of a powerful investigative Senate Committee to delve into the matter: - to uncover the truth and shed light on the murky waters surrounding the alleged budget manipulations.

The NCM President expressed his dissatisfaction with the three-month suspension handed down to Senator Ningi.

The latter had boldly accused the Senate leadership of inflating the 2024 Budget by a staggering 3.7 billion naira. According to Dr. Aliyu, this disciplinary action falls short of justice and accountability.

"Senator Akpabio must step down, declared Dr. Aliyu. "His continued tenure at the helm of the Senate undermines the integrity of our legislative institution."

The NCM, known for its unwavering stance on matters of governance, stands firm in its demand for change. Dr. Aliyu reiterated that there would be no apologies and no compromise. The organization believes that the current situation demands swift and decisive action.

Furthermore, Dr. Aliyu expressed unwavering support for Senator Abdul Ningi, characterizing him as being "on the right track." The NCM sees Ningi's courage in exposing the alleged budget irregularities as a beacon of hope for transparency and accountability.

However, Dr. Aliyu did not mince words when addressing the role played by Northern Senators in this saga. He labeled their actions as "unfortunate and unpatriotic," suggesting that they were contributing to the region's decline.

As the controversy rages on, all eyes remain fixed on the Senate chambers, awaiting the next move in this high-stakes political drama.

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