Uba Sani’s Politics Without Bitterness


By Ibraheem Musa

At first, it didn't make sense but in retrospect, the slogan preached  against the hurly-burly of Nigerian politics. In 1979, five  parties slugged it out at the polls and each of them, in manifesto and programs, was distinct from the other in every material particular. First, the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) ran on One Nation, One Destiny. Closely, the Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN) promised Free Education At All Levels. Similarly, the  National Peoples Party (NPP) campaigned on Power To The People.

 Likewise, the People's Redemption Party (PRP) promised to Emancipate  the Common man. However, the Great Nigerian People's Party(GNPP), led by Alhaji Waziri Ibrahim,  preached Politics Without Bitterness.  Indeed, Senator Uba Sani, the Kaduna State Governor, is toeing that  line of politics, with positive impact. 

Significantly, in the second republic, politics was like  warfare and politicians, almost always, were  at daggers drawn, scheming, brawling and undercutting each other.  In fact, the NPN-dominated House of Assembly, led by Abubakar Danmusa, harassed Alhaji Balarabe Musa, the Kaduna State  Governor, culminating in  his impeachment. Conversely, the PRP split into the Tsantsi and Tabo factions in Kano State, with Malam Aminu Kano, the presidential candidate, leading the latter. Likewise, Alhaji Muhammad Abubakar Rimi, the State Governor, led the Tsantsi group and the two camps made Kano State a theatre of war. However,  Uncle Waziri politicked without bitterness,  in spite  of the rebellion within GNPP.

Last year, Senator Uba Sani  campaigned on issues, promised even development and citizens’ participation in governance. Indeed, he neither maligned opponents, nor threw shade at them,  or splashed mud on their reputations. Basically, he ran on his  record, challenging the  leading candidates, all former legislators, to showcase their scorecards like he was doing. However, their supporters  hurled invectives, criticised   the outgoing government but seldom  sold their candidates   to the electorate. Regardless, Senator Uba Sani soldiered on, flaunting his pedigree, reeling out his achievements, especially as the senator with the highest number of bills.  Gladly, the people voted wisely and the rest, as they say, is now history.

Specifically, Governor Uba Sani has been wooing the opposition, in the last 11 months, to join hands in building Kaduna State. Truly, the efforts have been bearing fruits as  spokesman of Kaduna State PDP Campaign Council, Alhaji Yakubu Lere,  harkened to the call last July. Likewise, the Chairman of Chikun Local Government, Mr Salasi Musa and his Councillors have left PDP, a party on whose platform they were voted into office. Similarly, Kajuru Local Government Chairman, Hon Ibrahim Gajere, has voted with his feet,  so has Hon Mathias Siman, his counterpart at Kaura Area Council.

Likewise, the Governor has been reaching out  to his predecessors, especially past PDP Governors, as well as former gubernatorial candidates. Indeed, Senator Uba Sani and Alhaji Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi, in spite of political differences, enjoy a very cordial relationship. In  2022, he attended Salim Makarfi’s  wedding Fatiha, when  he married Khadija Abanur Sa’id, at the Farm House, Dagenham, London.   Similarly, Arch Mohammed Namadi Sambo, Makarfi’s successor and former Vice President, is Uba Sani’s  political  allay, whose counsel the latter seeks regularly. Last month, Alhaji Mukhtar Ramalan Yero, Sambo’s protégé,   ditched PDP for the ruling APC and Governor Uba Sani welcomed him with open arms.

Relentlessly, Senator Uba Sani has been  waving  the olive branch to his opponents, especially  after the polls. Last October, Senator Suleiman Othman Hunkuyi,  the first runner up,  grabbed it with both hands,  seven months after the election, and returned to APC.  Similarly, Alhaji Mahmood Sani Shaaban, a former lawmaker and Action Democratic Party (ADP) candidate, has dumped the party but as  yet, he hasn’t    pitched  tent elsewhere.  APC, according to reports,  will be his next anchor point.  However,   the iconic picture of Senator Uba Sani and PDP's Alhaji Isa Ashiru, in a warm handshake in Saudi Arabia, is very telling. Indeed,  it suggests that  "Ashiru is coming"----like his supporters predicted before the election Tribunal’s verdict!

Ibraheem Musa is a Kaduna based Public Affairs commentator

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