NEN Warns of Undermining President tinubu's Strong Northern Alliance

The Northern Emancipation Network has advised President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to consider the Defence Minister Bello Matawalle as his most reliable political ally from Northern Nigeria today.

The group said the advise for President Tinubu to maintain his alliance with Matawalle is a matter of great significance in the unfolding political scenario that is pregnant with complications and unforeseen consequences in the build-up to 2027. 

The statement, signed by the NEN chairman Suleiman Abbah, sheds light on the potential behind-the-scenes machinations aimed at destabilizing this crucial alliance and undermining the strong bond between the President and Matawalle, his trusted ally in the face of impending political challenges and upheavals.

The NEN chairman clearly outlines the clandestine plots to get Matawalle sidelined through a gang-up of corrupt and unscrupulous elements in the North. 

"These elements seek to create disunity and friction between President Tinubu and Matawalle, in order to weaken the President's chances of re-election in 2027," NEN said.

The group points out that the ongoing agitations and disturbances in the North are a direct result of political opportunism and corruption, aimed at destabilizing the government and creating an environment ripe for change.

The NEN asserts that the targeting of Matawalle is a deliberate attempt to reverse the gains made by the current administration in advancing its populist tendencies and warns of the dangers of allowing forces of reaction to disrupt the strong relationship between Tinubu and Matawalle, which could ultimately derail the President's re-election bid.

In light of these challenges, the NEN advises President Tinubu to rely on Matawalle as a trusted ally who can navigate the complex political landscape and thwart the plans of the sinister gang-up seeking to undermine the government.

 "It is imperative that President Tinubu recognizes the importance of loyalty and steadfastness in his allies, particularly in the face of concerted efforts to destabilize the government and thwart his re-election aspirations.

"As we look towards the upcoming elections in 2027, it is crucial that President Tinubu heeds the advice to strengthen his bond with Matawalle. By standing united with Matawalle against the forces of reaction and political opportunism, Tinubu can secure a successful re-election bid and continue to advance the interests of the Nigerian people.

"This advice therefore underscores the critical need for President Tinubu to maintain his relationship with  Matawalle as a key ally in navigating the complex political terrain of Northern Nigeria. By heeding this advice and remaining united against external threats, President Tinubu can secure a successful re-election bid in 2027 and continue to lead the country towards prosperity and progress," the NEN statement said.

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